It is such a joy and privilege for me to blog about my freshman year with you as you embark on your last year of high school. It's crazy to think that just a year ago I was facing many of the decisions you are having to face now: Where do I want to go to college? What do I want to major in? How am I going to get through this last year of high school with out getting Senioritis? What criteria do colleges look for in prospective students?, etc., etc., etc. These are the 4 basic principles for success: FOCUS, ORGANIZATION, DETERMINATION, and RESPONSIBILITY. These four principles will not only aid you in graduating from high school, but also in starting college. Before we even get into the mumbo-jumbo, serious topics about the transition from high school to college, let me formally introduce myself.
I am Amarachi Anakaraonye (I know it's a mouth-full) . . .you can just call me FierceEagleDiva, and I am a PROUD soaring Eagle. Some of my hobbies are singing, dancing, acting, musical theatre, exercising, reading, and writing. I am double majoring in theatre and mass communications.These past three weeks at N.C. Central University have been filled with leisure, hard work, opportunity, and all-around FUN! I am apart of the Honors program, and I am a new member of the campus newspaper, The Campus Echo.
My prospective college choices were: Howard University, East Carolina University, and N.C. Central University. Why did I choose N.C. Central University? As cliche as it may sound, when I visited NCCU for a campus tour and I felt the warm, embrace of this college community, my mind was set on going here. When you come to the campus of N.C. Central you are stepping into a family that is very welcoming and multi-cultural. I have already become involved in so many aspects of campus life. I can't wait to delve into further activities and embark on more opportunities.
Before I sign out, I want to offer some advice that will help you successfully journey through your senior year and hopefully come to NCCU. 1. Play hard BUT don't forget to work hard. 2. Be well-rounded. Get involved in extra-curricular activities, BUT not so many to where you are academically or personally struggling. 3. Always strive to be all that you can be. . . .a leader. Even when some of your peers are slacking off from their responsibilities, make sure you fulfill yours (i.e., respect and integrity for yourself). 4. Start applying for scholarships early, and use your school as a resource to inquire about available scholarships. 5. Follow the 4 basic principles for success: FOCUS, ORGANIZATION, DETERMINATION, and RESPECT. 6. Don't forget most of all to have fun. This is your last year of high school and you rule the school! The greatness of this year is up to you. . .your year of opportunity to be the all-around best you can be. . .don't waste it on apathy.
Well until next time, I'm out! FierceEagleDive has left the nest.