Greetings Prospective Eagles,
FierceEagleDiva has returned to the nest and man, do I have A LOT of information to share. Last Saturday, I performed in my first performance with N.C. Central University's gospel choir, Worship and Praise Inspirational Mass Choir (WPI). We performed at a local church in downtown Durham for a midnight musical. I had such a good time singing, praising, and worshiping. The musical included other local gospel groups and the UNC-CH gospel choir. From now until November 1st, we will be working tirelessly in rehearsal to prepare for NCCU's Anniversary program. . .I am sooooooo excited!
On Friday, I am volunteering for NCCU's Breast Cancer Awareness Fair. This fair is in association with NCCU's Women's Center. At the fair, women will be able to receive free mammogram screenings, and pamphlets on breast cancer/ prevention. . .did I mention we'll be serving pink lemonade and pink cookies? Breast cancer is a cause that is near and dear to my heart, due to how it has devastated the lives of many women AND men. I've also been inspired by how those affected with it have fought against it with bravery, courage, and valor. I have a DUTY as a woman, daughter, sister, and as an overall human bring to spread awareness about this disease and prevention for it. Hopefully, this campaign will be able to save lives by informing women about the need to get mammograms, and not being afraid of the prospect of having it. If you are infected with breast cancer the sooner you know about it, the sooner you can get treatment.
On Saturday, I'm taking a practice LSAT exam. This exam is in association with the Princeton Review, and it includes a strategy session when I get my test results next week. After I get my bachelor's degree, I want to go to law school and make a legal/social impact in human rights/international affairs. . .yes, I'd LOVE to work for the United Nations. These practice exams are offered every semester. I'm nervous about taking it because I don't know what to expect. By taking this exam each semester, I'll get more comfortable with it and I'll know what to expect when I take the actual LSAT.
After the LSAT, I'm going to the NCCU vs. NC A and T football game. I've been looking forward to this game all semester. Best believe NCCU is gonna' show up and show out. Well until next time, I'm out! FierceEagleDiva has left the nest.